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It is possible, with some vitamins, to ingest too much. Native Nutrients Review This can also lead to health issues, as some vitamins cause disease when too much is present. This happens most often with fat-soluble vitamins that tend to stay in the body until needed. Although it is difficult to overdose on vitamins ingested through diet, it is possible to do so when taking vitamin supplements. Supplement products tend to have vitamins in larger quantities than food, and in larger quantities than needed by your body. The vitamins most commonly over-ingested are A and D, both stored by the body.Here's the fastest, easiest way to make sure you get your recommended five servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Fresh fruit and raw vegetable juices are nature's best rejuvenators.The simplest way to get a dose of skin-boosting nutrients is with juicing. Some experts in longevity believe that the path to agelessness, not to mention maximum life span, is through the consumption of "live" foods and the supplementation of raw vegetables and fruit juices. Juicing fans also swear that fasting this way swiftly purifies the body, ridding it of potentially harmful build-up of toxins (such as agrochemicals and other pollutants, which may linger in the digestive system). https://usainfo.org/foods-that-must-be-eaten-to-keep-womens-health-in-pink/